Among the best-known pulp characters within the mainstream is Johnston McCulley‘s Zorro, though this is more due to the fame created by his appearance in movies and TV shows than in the original written form. McCulley (1883-1958) created several larger-than-life characters, many of which were part of a series that ran sometimes in the dozens. […]
Sean Gordon Murphy Goes Full Kathleen Kennedy With His Zorro: Man Of The Dead Comic
Sean Gordon Murphy’s Zorro: Man of the Dead #1 dropped in comic book stores a week ago, giving comic shop readers a look at the book, which backers paid $50 or more to receive several months before they will have their books delivered. The crowdfunding faux pas of putting a retail version on sale before […]
Sean Gordon Murphy Releases Zorro: Man Of The Dead To Comic Shops Before Fulfilling His Kickstarter, Showing No Respect For Backers
Sean Gordon Murphy committed the cardinal sin of crowdfunding with his Zorro: Man of the Dead comic and not only released the comic far before when his backers would receive the book, but he also released it at a much lower price than he originally offered it on Kickstarter, giving his backers very little value […]