Smash JT’s website, Kotaku Detected, got shut down a couple of days ago after Kotaku and journalists associated with them organised a mass reporting campaign to Wix. Wix, without any prior warning, took down Smash JT’s website, Kotaku Detected due to harassment claims. Jon Del Arroz had Smash JT on his latest YouTube video where Smash JT exposed Nick Calandra’s sneaky behaviour. Nick Calandra who has been on an unhinged warpath against anyone speaking out against him or his Kotaku buddies. He called for mass reporting of Smash JT’s website and got it shut down. He previously encouraged his Discord followers to dox Mark Kern.
In his video with Jon Del Arroz, Smash JT disclosed how, prior to his call to Mass report Kotaku Detected website to Wix, Nick Calandra sent him an e-mail in which Nick was “super nice,” stated that he wasn’t doing “all these things people are saying about him,” and requested that Smash JT take his name off the Kotaku Detected website.
Not someone who is unreasonable, Smash JT took Nick Calandra’s name off the website, but no sooner had he done so, Nick Calandra sent him walls of text saying that the people (like Mark Kern) with whom Smash JT is aligning himself with, are really the bad actors. Nick Calandra asked Smash JT to take off the names of the rest of the journalists on the website, which Nick of course refused to do.
Not satisfied, Nick Calandra used his social media to call for the mass reporting of the Kotaku Detected website for alleged harassment. The claims of harassment is false, none of the information about the journalists he lists on his website isn’t already publicly available. The real reason Nick Calandra is upset is because he doesn’t want his and Kotaku journalists’ underhanded tactics and subversiveness disclosed.
Smash JT appealed Wix’s descision to shut down his website for harassment. The good news is that Wix has now confirmed that no terms of service were broken and all the info on the site is public. Smash JT’s website, Kotaku Detected is back up and running. This is another big win for gamers. Nick Calandra and similar ilk at Kotaku’s attempts to once again silence the voices of gamers were thwarted.
This whole escapade may just backfire against Nick Calandra, who has previously also been accused of doxxing and threatening physical violence against those who oppose him, and cost his new website Second Wind a lot of followers.
Nuclear Pyle says
Second Wind?
With Nick, more like Breaking Wind.
Chuck Jose says
More like Breaking a Fart in the Wind.
lolzers says
You lift up a rock, you find worms. lol